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பக்கம்:இலக்கிய இயல் அ-ஆ.pdf/187

விக்கிமூலம் இலிருந்து
இப்பக்கம் மெய்ப்பு பார்க்கப்படவில்லை

#68 இனக்கிய இயல் Ker, W.P.: Form and style in poetry. Krieger, Murray : The New Apologists for poetry. Lerner, Lawrence : The Truest Poetry. lewise, D.C. : The poetic Image. Lucas, E.L.: The criticism of poetry. Lyon, P.H.B.: Discovery of Poetry. Macdonald, A.: Primary of Thought în Poetry. Mallam, P.: Approach to Poetry. Maritain, J.: Creative Intention in Art and Poetry. Maritain, J., and Maritain, R.: Situation of Poetry. Masefield, J.; Poetry. Murray, G.: The classical tradition in poetry. Nemerov, Howard: Reflexions on Poetry and Poetics. Perry, B. : Study of Poetry, - Pottie, F. A. t The Idiom of Poetry. Preminger, Alex: Poetry and Poetics. Prescott, F.C.: The Poetic Mind. Pseud, A.E. (Russeli): Songs and its foundations. Puran Singh, Spirit of Oriental Poetry. Ragavan, W.; Studies in some concepts and the Alangara sastra. Raymond, G.L. 1 Poetry as a representative art. Routh, H.V.: God, man and epic poetry. Santayana, G.; Interpretation of poetry and Religion. Sastri, Dr. P.S.: Aristotle's Theory of Poetry & Drama. Sen, R. K.: A Comparative Study of Greek and sndian Poetics and Aesthetics.