This is the era in which the rights of women are talked of highly. But still women besides failing to enjoy an equal status with men also have many woes and sufferings in not having their rights in selecting their husbands out of their own free will and choice. Due to this denial of their brith-right they commit suicide. Some run away with their partners chosen by love, deserting their parents. Few others viewing that they should not bring disrepute to their family of birth, spend all their life suffering mentally with their husbands chosen and got married to them by their parents. Such gems in women who sacrifice and live in life are a very few only. It is rare to find men respecting such feelings of sacrifice by women and themselves forsaking their own marital life. One such rare acts being depicted in a very high method and manner, is the essential theme of this “UYIROVIYAM”
Karpakam is a college student. Natarajan was specially fixed to tutor her in her studies for M. A. Course in Tamil. Pandit Mangalam got prejudice and makes mischief during the time of teaching. Natarajan's youth and charm also enchants her. So she attempts to make him yield to her carnal desires. Natarajan neglects her and runs away. Mangalam feels that due to his love towards Karpagam only she has been neglected and so she plans to seperate them. As Mangalam thinks Natarajan loves Karpagam and she also loves him. But still both of them did not express their love to each other.