100 Jains accepted him as a great master and called him Dharumasenar (35(5udG+assif). He soon became a prominent protagonist of Jainism and a valiant fighter for its cause. Thilakavathiyar was greatly disappointed at the changed religious attitude of her brother for whose sake she was living. She retired to the sacred shrine at Thiruvadigai Veerattanam (505-15693, Gorlit fragrib), lived there the life of a recluse, worshipped the Lord and actively took part in the temple service. Her one prayer to Lord Siva was that her brother should be reclaimed. It was in response to Thilakavathiyar’s appeal that the miracle happened. The Lord appeared in her dream and promised that he would change her brother's mind and get him back to His fold. She thanked Lord Siva and kept on praying for the redemption of her brother. Dharumasenar suffered from an acute colic pain and the Jain monastery was gloomy with sorrow. Doctors administered drugs, priests prayed and some even tried black magic. Nothing could make him better and Dharumasenar was struggling for his existence when he remembered his sister. He felt intuitively that it was an eye-opening experience. He lost faith in Jainism. He threw away the Jain garb and without anybody’s knowledge returned to his sister. He begged for her protection. She understood that it was His sport-Thiruvillayadal (3)(560&murru so) and said that by the grace of Lord Siva, he would be all right. He smeared the Holy Ashes on his forehead and repeated the Panchaakshara “Namasivaaya": The holy ashes gave him sublime sense of peace. She led him to the temple of Siva. He went round the temple and stood before the sanctum solemnly. Now he received as Divine Gift the ability to compose poems. The very first padigam, that flowed out of his heart, breathed the fresh air of repentance was “Kūtraayinavaaru” (*jou?sorourray). He begged for forgiveness of sins committed
பக்கம்:சிவன் அருள் திரட்டு (தேவாரம் திருவாசகம் திருப்புகழ் திருஅருட்பா).pdf/123