104 Sambandar's presence was required at Madurai because Jainism was spreading there. Appar told him all that had happened to him and tried to detain him. So great was Sambandar's eagerness that he took leave of Appar with love and proceeded to Madurai. While Appar was on his way to “Thiruppainjeeli’’ (3051 isol 1358563) a miracle happened. This saint was seized with an uncommon thirst and hunger. Yet he staggered on with a will to see God in the Temple. Lord Siva, in the guise of a sage wearing sacred ashes appeared before him and offered him ready food. The Saint partook of the divine food, drank water from the tank that was miraculously created for the purpose and proceeded to Thiruppinjeeli. The sage went with him and on reaching the sacred place disappeared. The Saint then realised that the Lord himself had come to serve him and offered his tribute to Him. After visiting Thiruvannamalai (35(56.1% in Gold&u) Kancheepuram (sm (35%ujstib) and Kaalahasti (ost of aposvä) he felt a desire to go to Kailas. He went to Varana si (aurrjTGy$)) and worshipped Viswanath. He turned northwards on his journey to Kailas; His feet were cracked and sore; he crawled on his hands; his elbows began to bleed and ribs began to break. Still Appar wanted to go to Kailas, The Lord appeared to him in the form of a sage and then revealed his identity. He toid him that he still had to sing and serve Him. He pointed to a tank nearby, and asked him to enter it and assured him that he would be granted a vision of Kailas at Thiruvaiyaaru (§65 smajurgy). Appar entered the wonderful tank. His wounds healed. He rose up in a tank at Thiruvaiyaaru. He had a glorius vision there of Mt. Kailas and was Jost for a time in that bliss. He sang the padigams “Maadharpirai Kannnniyaanai” (lorr Sri LNETpå GGöör6Isflum &ör) and "Osa i Oliye laam” (960& Spso gravirlb) describing how he saw Siva and Sakthi everywhere. The vision was then withdrawn by the Lord. The Saint was at first sorry but soon found consolation when he realised that it was all a display of Siva's grace.
பக்கம்:சிவன் அருள் திரட்டு (தேவாரம் திருவாசகம் திருப்புகழ் திருஅருட்பா).pdf/127