உள்ளடக்கத்துக்குச் செல்

பக்கம்:சிவன் அருள் திரட்டு (தேவாரம் திருவாசகம் திருப்புகழ் திருஅருட்பா).pdf/128

விக்கிமூலம் இலிருந்து
இப்பக்கம் மெய்ப்பு பார்க்கப்படவில்லை

105 At Thirupunthurthi (£65togfigs(533) he built a mutt and remained there. He sang the Thiruvangamalai (965guiñosuomov beginning with “Thalaiyë nee Vanangaay (35%oGuu s5 வணங்காய்). Sambandar, in the meantime, defeated the Jains at Madurai and went to Thirupunthuruthi. Appar went to receive him. Without Sambandar’s knowledge, Appar quietly joined those who were carrying his palanquin. When Sambandar reached Thirupunthuruthi and found out that Appar was in their company, he jumped out of the palanquin and fell at the feet of Appar. After this meeting, Appar proceeded to Madurai, met the Pandya King, the Queen and the Prime Minister and complimented them for their services to Saivism. He stayed at Madurai under royal patronage and then visited all the temple on his way to Rameswaram and then returned to Thiruppugalur (திருப்புகலூர்). While he was cleaning the temple premises at Pugalur by removing the weeds with his hoe, gems, gold and pearls came wherever the hoe touched the ground. Appar threw them away as worthless straw. Again the heavenly damsels appeared be fore him and tried to distract him. They sang, danced and smiled with bewitching looks. But he stood firm with his thoughts fixed on God. The end had come to the Saint’s earthly cxistence. He was past eighty now. His mission was over. He attained his beatitude after breathing his final song ** Ennnnugên Ensolli** (groorgo/Gascăr grair Gormágó). The form melted and disappeard. The Saint singer vanished but his songs are immortal. They are the voice of his soul.