PREEACE TO THE THIRD EDITION I am happy to record that by the grace of LORD SIVA and the help of the NATAL TAMIL VEDIC SOCIETY TRUST under the chairmanship of Mr.R.P.Moodley,I have been successful in bringing out the third edition of the SIVAN ARUL THIRATTU. This has been done to meet the overwhelming number of requests for the book from various organisations and individuals within South Africa and abroad. I have retained the entire content of the second edition and have added the Thevaaram "Ariyaanai" composed by Saint Thirunnavukkarasar and some portions of Saint Mannikkavasagar's Siva Puraanam which were not included in the previous editions. I am grateful to Professor K.M.Venkataramiah M.A. who provided the meanings in Tamil and English and to Mr.K.M.Gopinath B.Sc. who did the English transliterations. May I reiterate that both of them provided the same services in the first and second editions. I wish to place on record the help of the renowned benefactor, Dr.N.Mahalingam B.Sc.,F.I.E., President of Ramalingar Pani Manram, Madras, the sponsor of the second edition, for procuring the negatives for the whole book of 500 pages at his own cost and the role of Mr.T.R.Nagarajan M.Sc., of Madras in getting this book to perfection. I am also grateful to the NATAL TAMIL VEDIC SOCIETY TRUST not only for bearing the entire cost of printing and publishing this edition but also for their unstinting support and encouragement extended to me at all times in the upliftment of culture and religion. Special thanks to Mr.Frank Ford and the staff of Colorgraphic, the printers of this book. All praise be to OMNIPRESENT LORD SIVA. September 1990 N.C.NAIDOO Trustee NATAL TAMIL VEDIC SOCIETY TRUST
பக்கம்:சிவன் அருள் திரட்டு (தேவாரம் திருவாசகம் திருப்புகழ் திருஅருட்பா).pdf/13