iW Siva Siva His Holiness Srila Sri Kasivasi Tirupanandal, Muthukumara Swami Thambiran Swamigal Av1., 613504 Head of Sri Kasi Math. Tamil Nadu, S. India. BENEDICTION (ஆசியுரை) சிவசிவ என்னச் சிவகதிதானேSiva Siva if chanted, Siva Bliss is attained. நானேயோ தவம்செய்தேன் சிவாயநம எனப்பெற்றேன்What penance did I do? I am fortunate to chant S1VA AYANAMA எந்தையர் திருநாமம் நமச்சிவாய என்றெழுவார்க்கு இருவிசும்பில் இருக்கலாமேNAMASIVAAYA is the name of my Heavenly Father; That sacred name chanting, those that wake up, can firmly be seated high up in Heaven. There are two famous religions in Tamil Nadu, one being Saivaism and the other Vaishnavaism. Those that worship Siva as the Primal One are the Saivaites. The Vibhuti. the Rudraaksha and the Panchaakshara are the emblems of their religion. Propagating their importance, the four Saiva Saints - Sambanthar, Appar, Sundarar and Manickavaasagar, advocated Saivism. The Thevaaram and the Thiruvaasagam have been improvised by them for the redemption of the Saivaites. Children and youngsters should learn the history of the Saiva Saints in their young age. They should also study and recite the scriptures. If done so, one can gain a deep knowledge of Tamil and obtain the Lord's Grace also.
பக்கம்:சிவன் அருள் திரட்டு (தேவாரம் திருவாசகம் திருப்புகழ் திருஅருட்பா).pdf/15