יי With this object in view, this book entitled Sivan Arul Thirattu (selections from the Divine verses of the Saiva Saints) has been published. The narration of the history of the Saints is crisp. The paraphrase of the verses in Tamil, meaning of hard words with English equivalents, and the rendering into English add to the value of this work. Even those who have a scanty knowledge of English and Tamil can read and under stand those divine verses. Mr. N.C. Naidoo, who has caused this book to be written and published, has dedicated his life for this laudable cause. Even a casual listener will be able to judge the depth of his knowledge in Tamil and know the interest he has evinced in the propagation of the tenets contained in the Thevaaram, Thiruvaasagam, Thiruppugazh and Thiru Arutpaa of the six Saiva Saints. We take this opportunity to express our appreciation of his services in this field. This is a project that could be pushed through only by a coordination of a band of selfless workers; but one will be astonished to find, that a single soul from a far off country, has gone over to Tamil Nadu and worked out this project successfully. May Lord Sendhil Aadmavan shower his choicest blessings on Thiru N.C. Naidoo for this effort in this noble cause. We are sure that this book will be of immense use to the Tamils who live in countries far off from Tamil Nadu and we are glad to express our appreciation to the Natal Tamil Vedic Society for their humility in giving all encouragement to Mr. Naidoo in bringing out this excellent edition. May Natal Tamil Vedic Society and its members continue their efforts towards the propagation of Tamil and Saivaism by the Grace of the Lord. May the name of HARA spread throughout the World! All praise be to the devotees of Sivaal Siva Siva.
பக்கம்:சிவன் அருள் திரட்டு (தேவாரம் திருவாசகம் திருப்புகழ் திருஅருட்பா).pdf/16