vi AN APPRAISAL by Dr. N. MAHALINGAM, B. Sc., F.I.E. I am happy to learn through Thiru N.C. Naidoo about the yeoman services rendered by the Tamil Organisations in South Africa. The full development of a person is possible if only he is able to think through the mother-tongue. This is true in case of normal arts and crafts and it is more so in the field of edu cation and philosophy. The Tamil language has a storehouse of religious lore going back to 2000 years and tradition going back to 5000 years and the great seers of Tamil Nadu, Alwars and Nayanmars represent the collected wisdom of the race. The effort of Mr. N. C. Naidoo to get the cream of the Tamil religious lore into tapes and printed books, so as to get the children familiar with our culture from their childhood, is an endeavour which deserves high appreciation. Even in India Tamil people who are spread out in various parts of the country are likely to be benefitted if these works are repeated for them. I am indeed very glad to know that all copies of the first edition have been distributed; this second edition contains useful additions. Let me wish and pray that this very good work will do good to our people in South Africa as well as in India also. Swan is great because it separates milk from a mixture of water and Mr. Naidoo is very eminently fit to do this work of a great Swan. “Sakthi Nilayam” N. Mahalingam President 49 St. Mary’s Road Ramalingar Pani Manram MADRAS-600 004 Madras -86.
பக்கம்:சிவன் அருள் திரட்டு (தேவாரம் திருவாசகம் திருப்புகழ் திருஅருட்பா).pdf/17