173 Sundarar hesitated and did not know how to begin. Since Sundarar had called him a Piththan (15,536%r) a madman during the quarrel, He wished him to begin with the word “Piththan'. Immediately the inspiration to sing came to Sundarar and he sang the Padigam, “Piththaa Pit raisüdi” (l°453ir lisopé,lg-). the “Mad one wearing the crescent moon.” Yes, Siva becomes filled with a sweet madness when his devotees shower on him their love and adoration. The bride who had been selected for him remained a pious virgin adoring Sundarar as God unto the last. Meanwhile having beccme a Saint, Sundarar returned to Navalur. There he engaged himself in the worship of the Lord. After some days, he decided to go to Chidambaram. On the way was Thiruvadigai (305su &eps), the sacred place, where Thirunavukkarasar (GGGma Essor Fff) was reconverted into a Saivite, and therefore he stayed in a Math in the out skirts of the village. That night, when Sundarar was asleep, the Lord in the guise of an old man entered the Math. He lay close to where Sundarar was and pretended to sleep. He then placed his feet on the head of Sundarar. When Sundarar objected to this, the old man apologised. Sundarar went to another corner of the room. There too, the old man repeated the same action. Sundarar did not lose his temper. He calmly asked him who he was because of his unusual behaviour. The old man disappeared suddenly. Now Sundarar realised that it was the Lord himself. Since he had not gone for his darshan, the Lord himself had come out to where the devotcc was. Sundarar prayed in jubilation and sang the Padigam **Tham maanai” (A5lblområsor). Sundarar continued his pilgrimage to Chidambaram (gag, burth), the City of Nataraja. Sundarar worshipped Nataraja again in the sanctum. He shed tears of joy. His mind had no other thought. His concentration was fixed on Nataraja and there he heard the voice of the Divine, com
பக்கம்:சிவன் அருள் திரட்டு (தேவாரம் திருவாசகம் திருப்புகழ் திருஅருட்பா).pdf/194