உள்ளடக்கத்துக்குச் செல்

பக்கம்:சிவன் அருள் திரட்டு (தேவாரம் திருவாசகம் திருப்புகழ் திருஅருட்பா).pdf/195

விக்கிமூலம் இலிருந்து
இப்பக்கம் மெய்ப்பு பார்க்கப்படவில்லை

174 manding him to go to Thiruvarur (@Geurreðff). He reached Sirkazhi (grasmo), the birth place of Sambandar (&lhus;3ff). Sundarar would not tread the sacred soil but dedicated a song “Saadhalum Pirraththalum” (&m:53.11b losp;#35 oth) from the border of the town and saw in a vision-the Father and Mother—who gave the milk of wisdom to Gnanasambandar ஞானசம்பந்தள்). The citizens of Thiruvarur (ggs surreoff) accorded the Saint a rousing reception and the people called him “Thambiraan Thozhan' (goblogmsir Gâmpcir) meaning a friend of God. Here then, was to occur a great event in the life of Sundarar. One of the two heavenly damsels, Kamalini, with whom Sundarar (before his birth in the world) had fallen in love in Kailasa, had taken birth at Thiruvarur (965 surroff). She bore the name Paravaiyaar (usrsonsuumir). Daily she would go to the temple, worship the Lord with faith and devotion and sing His glories. It was there that she met Sundarar with his followers. The marriage was prearranged by Lord Siva himself and it was now his duty to bring it about. Siva appeared in a dream to his devotees at Thiruvaarur and directed them to arrange for the marriage of Sundarar to Paravaiyaar. The marriage was accordingly performed, and the Saint settled down to the routine of a domestic life. Sundarar visited the temple daily and he offered songs. One day he saw saints assembled in the Devasiliya Mantapam. Seeing them, he prayed to the Lord, to make him fit to live among those Saints. Lord Siva ordered him to compose a poem in honour of the devotees. Sundarar prayed for inspiration and intuition. The Lord gave him the clue, “I am the servant of the servants of the Anthanars that reside in Thillai”. Sundarar took the clue and sang a song extolling the virtues of the sixty – three Saints. It is this Padigam ““Thillaivazh Anthannartham (Gew&v6 ITH -PB GSGarff Gb), that is called the “Thiru thondath thegai" (505452.5m soul-ā Q45m spés) which was the Source book for "Sekkizhar’s Periya Pura anam” (சேக்கிழார் பெரிய புராணம்),