176 then on further singing the Padigam “Ponseytha Méniané” (Quiror Glso, Gudgoslugsy), the original quality of gold was restored. = - After paying his homage to Gnanasambandar at Sirkazhi (gifsms), Sundarar reached Thirukurukaavur (505é@@*rrπ) in hot summer. He and his followers were worn out with hunger and thirst. An old sage appeared in a watershed with plenty of food. After a sumptuous meal, Sundarar and his companions rested for a while. When he woke up, the sage was not there and the water-shed disappeared. He sang the Padigam' “Iththanaiyaa Maatrai” (g):#3&arum lom spamp) expressing that it was certainly an action of God’s grace. A similar miracle happened at Thirukachür (5054 &#&#), where he was tired and hungry. The Lord in the form of an Anthanar (25.5orff), begged for food from house to house in the hot sun and fed Sundarar and his group. After feeding the Saint He disappeared. Sundarar sang in gratitude and devotion a touching Padigam “Maruvaar Kondrai’ (மருவார் கொன்றை). After visiting some of the Siva shrines, he reached Thiruvottriyür (SGQsum öMg4ff). “Anindthithaiyar" (அனிந்தி coasurff), the other maid servant of Parvathi in Kailas, had also taken human birth as Sangiliyaar. She had refused to marry any one except a Saiva Saint. She engaged herself in making flower garlands daily for the Lord in the temple. One day while Sundarar was in the temple he saw “Sangiliyar" (#ffiğ's Sumir) and fell immediately in love with her. So he prayed and asked Siva to arrange for the marriage with Sangiliyar. The Lord agreed. Sangiliyaar had no objection, provided that he would not part from her under any circumstances. He was instructed by the Lord to take the vow beneath a sacred tree. The vow was taken and the wedding took place. Sundarar dwelt happily for some time with Sangiliyaar at Thiruvottriyur. Their hearts united in their love for God and in the songs they sang.
பக்கம்:சிவன் அருள் திரட்டு (தேவாரம் திருவாசகம் திருப்புகழ் திருஅருட்பா).pdf/197