ix This book under the caption “Sivan Arul Thirattu.” contains selections from the Thevaaram, Thiruvaasagam Thiruppugazh and Thiru Arutpaa and I earnestly hope and pray that it would help to create in the reader a longing for a closer and detailed study of the soul-stirring hymns and well understanding them with devotion to the Lord. The songs are presented in Tamil Original with transliteration, paraphrase in Tamil and rendering in English. A list of words has also been provided with meanings both in Tamil and English. i A good number of these songs have been illustrated. Discs and tapes are also available for the songs rendered in the authentic traditional tune to help the beginner to be in tune with the rare harmony that marks the rich heritage of the Tamil religious culture. Tamil has now been accepted as an optional subject in the curriculum for Standards VI to X in the State Schools. This volume will afford to the students an insight into the ideas that moved their forefathers. It is also available as a course of study in our University. It is also hoped that this book would be of some help to all those who wish to expound our teachings. The Tamil Teachers in particular can use the word study with advantage far vocabulary work, dictation and spelling if need be. Above all my prayers are that every Tamil student of the age group 10-16 should have access to this book which is mainly intended for him or her and cause an urge to learn the language for better understanding and appreciation. گی۔ In order to get the above objects fulfilled, I was in search of a profound scholar who could recast the stories in simple readable Tamil. By the grace of the Lord, I came in contact with Vidwan Mr. K. M. Krishnamurthy, Tamil Pandit, who informed me that he would fulfil my wish with the help of his father Professor K. M. Venkataramiah, M.A. Accordingly I entrusted the work with the Professor and I found his prose
பக்கம்:சிவன் அருள் திரட்டு (தேவாரம் திருவாசகம் திருப்புகழ் திருஅருட்பா).pdf/20