185 Losin so-crescent moon விடை-எருது-bull cogrfolb-god as different from the world sos blorr—Lurr&sur-elephant a fl-stain sifism:G)—&Gam'G)—cremation ground (at the time of final del uge) -ol-āj-dance soap unrair—having the bull as an emblem in the flag sem sp-mark (of poison) &ssistl_lb-throat எம்மான்-எம் தலைவன்-my Lord solo-feet Qplq-head -of-desire <spólog)sorr-foolisb sorröusir-dog like one Glasig. svih-Gedilam-a river fiowing near Thiru adhigai oril–mcorth—the name of the temple at Thiru adhigai also spoussair-one who resides @sopGurrayib-even for a moment @agþ susir–to dishonour; to despise Can there be any one without knowing their master? He has the crescent on His matted locks-He rides a bull. He has covered Himself with the skin of an elephant-He dances in the cremation ground (at the time of final delugeHe has the bull banner–He is having the mark of poison on His throat– “He will place His feet on my head’’-1 so desiring, a foolish dog-like one, am living–He is my LordHe is enshrined at (Thiru Adhigai) Veerattnam on the northern bank of the river Gedilam—I remained as if I despised Him for a moment. Alas! என்பினேயே கலனுக அணிந்தானே எங்கள் Enbinaiyē kalanaaga annindhaanai engall எருதுஏறும் பெருமான இசைஞானி சிறுவன் crudhu ērrum perumaanai isa ignaani siruvan வன்பனைய வளர்பொழில்சூழ் வயல்நாவ லூர்க்கோன் Vanbanaiya vallarpozhil suzh vayalnaava lurkkon வன்தொண்டன் ஆரூரன் மதியாது சொன்ன vanthonndan aarüran madhiyaadhu sonna
பக்கம்:சிவன் அருள் திரட்டு (தேவாரம் திருவாசகம் திருப்புகழ் திருஅருட்பா).pdf/206