rendering simple and readable. Hence I asked him to recast the English version wherein he added some of the incidents that were left off in the narration. Then at my request he wrote the paraphrase of the Thevaarams and Thiruvaasagam and gave an English rendering of the same with notes for the difficult Tamil words. He has also, in response to my wish, translated the -Thiruppugazh and the Thiru Arutpaa stanzas in English with Tamll paraphrase and notes. Thiruppugazh is the masterpiece of a gifted poet Sri Arunagirinaathar who lived in the 15th C.A.D. at Thiruvannaamalai and his verses can be sung to the tune of music. The rhythm found in Tiruppugazh is very peculiar which attracts thousands of people when sung set in music. All his verses numbering about thirteen hundreds are addressed to Lord Murugaa who is no other than Lord Sivaa. His other minor poems are Kanthar Anthaathi and Kanthar Alangaaram which are also as popular as the Thiruppugazh in Tamil. Raamalinga Swaamigal's poems also find place in this work. Raamalinga Swaamigal of Vadalur is a popular Saint who lived in the fag end of 19th C.A.D. He has sung hundreds of verses in praise of the Lord. His devotion to Lord Nataraajaa knew no bounds. He had great reverence for the four great Saiva Saints and he has not only eulogised them in his verses but also explained their ideas in chaste Tamil verses. His verses had also been codified into Thirnuurais and one can find followers of Saint Raamalingam in each village in Tamil Nadu. Vadalur Jothi Darsan is a centre of attraction for millions of people on the Thaipusam day (in the month of January). He has also written a few prose works like Manu-Murai Kanda Vaa chakam and Jiwa Kaarunya Ozhukam. Sri. K. M. Venkataramiah is an erudite scholar in Tamil and was holding the post of the principal of the Tamil College at Thiruppanandaal (Thanjaavur), TamilNadu for over a quarter of a century, coaching pupils for the Tamil Pulavar examination of the Madras University. Recognising his services to religion
பக்கம்:சிவன் அருள் திரட்டு (தேவாரம் திருவாசகம் திருப்புகழ் திருஅருட்பா).pdf/21