241 MAANICKAVAASAGA SWAAMIGAL Maanickavaasagar (Lorreoflásam&sro) was born in Thiruvaathavur (605 Gum as gift) in the neighbourhood of Madurai, capital of the Pandya (Limeworlì-u) Kingdom. His father belonged to a clan from which usually the Kings’ ministers were chosen. He was called Vaathavurar after his birth place. When he was barely sixteen years old, he had mastered the scriptures. Even the learned Pandits admired his wit and wisdom. The King of Madurai Arimarthana Pandyan (offluorosaur Lim’soriousir) heard of Vaathavurar’s abilities, took him into the state service and found in him a proficiency in administration and organisation. The King made him his Chief Minister. Vaathavurar shone with extraordinary brilliance. The King conferred upoa him the title “Thennavan Brahma - raayan” (GA;sirator susēr Logud Drm usir). He entrusted the entire responsibility of the government of the country in his handsHe proved to be quite an efficient administrator. But in his heart of hearts he longed to rétire and spend his life in pursuit of spiritual perfection. His devotion to Lord Siva grew, and he was constantly in search of a Guru. One day as the King was holding court in his palace, a messenger brought the news that fine horses for sale had arrived at the seaport. The king at once commissioned his Chief Minister to proceed with the necessary money to Thirupperunthurai to buy the horses. It was a God-sent opportunity for him. Thiruvaathavurar started on the mission with a large retinue. As he approached Thirupperunthurai, the sea-port town, he heard the sound of Vedic Chant-Hara! Hara! He proceeded in the direction from which the call came and halted at a grove where he saw a
பக்கம்:சிவன் அருள் திரட்டு (தேவாரம் திருவாசகம் திருப்புகழ் திருஅருட்பா).pdf/261