242 Guru seated beneath a sacred tree, surrounded by devotees. The Guru was none other than Lord Siva who was in the guise of a master to give salvation to Thiruvathavura.r. The Chief Minister recognised his Guru at once. With overflowing love and devotion, he ran to Him and prostrated before Him. He prayed to the Lord to accept him and bless him. The Lord initiated him into the divine mysteries of Siva Gnaanam (§osusjiraorub). Vaathavurar realised that he should surrender all his belongings and offered them at the feet of the Guru. He had become a Sanyasi. Smearing his body with holy ashes, he sang the Siva Puranam “Namachiwaaya Waazhga' (சிவபுராணம் : நமச்சிவாய வாழ்க.) The Lord was greatly pleased and gave him the title “Maanickavaasagar”. Maanickavaasagar joined the group of Siva's devotees, and spent all the money he had brought from the King's treasury in feeding Siva's followers and in building a Siva temple in Thirupperunthurai. Separation from the Lord and Guru made Maanickavaasagar suffer intense pain and anguish. To console himself he sang the padigam “Meythaan Arumbi” (Quouisirsir egyɑ5lblo) and lived in the remembrance of the Lord. The king’s messengers who had accompanied him thought that he had forgotten the mission to buy the horses; they gently reminded him. Maanickavaasagar requested them to inform the king that the horses would reach Madurai within a month. When the king was informed of this, he became furious and sent a stern note to him, commanding him to return immediately with the horses or the money. Maanickavaasagar waited on the only Master, his spiritual Lord. The Master advised him to go to Madurai and inform the King that the horses would arrive on the day of Aavani. Moolam (+) sustaff opavlb). The Lord disappeared after giving the devotee a rare ruby which should be passed on to the King as a present.
பக்கம்:சிவன் அருள் திரட்டு (தேவாரம் திருவாசகம் திருப்புகழ் திருஅருட்பா).pdf/262