245 The King who personally supervised the work, noticed the negligence of the labourer and beat him on the back with his cane. A basketful of mud that he bore on his shoulders fell and closed the breach. To the astonishment of all, the blow, however, was felt by all beings in the whole universe. The King at once realised that was the sport of the Lord. The labourer vanished. The King again realised the greatness of Maanickavaasagar. In the meantime, Maanickavaasagar had reached the temple and was in deep meditation. He, too, felt the blow. He got up from his meditation and sang the padigam “Pannsumandha Paadarr Parisu” (usiv*loß3 lurrl_stò ufis). He thanked the Lord for all this guidance and help and sang the Padigam **Thandhathu Undhannai** (45 f54535 n-sh såsor). The king went in search of Maanickavaasagar. He came to the temple and prostrated before him and requested him to accept the offer to rule the Pandya Kingdom. The Saint politely declined the offer, but asked for permission to go to Perunthurai. At Perunthurai he sang the padigam “Potri Yen Vaazh Mudhal” (Glum. ÞAőGuusir curry Gup3; sv) when the Lord commended him to proced to Chidambaram. On his way to “Thiru Uththara Kosa Mangai (5052-545ur Gassrs. Loßigos) he had the vision of his Master. He sang the Padigam “Kadayawannai” (4, sol-usuGeor&or). From there the Saint went to several holy places. At Sirkazhi he sang “‘Ammaiye Appaa” (olbsold Guy solilim) and later ‘’Paal Ninayindhu"" (Ljrrsi söl&ðr sögy) padigams. The Lord appeared in the form of a Guru at Thiru Annnnaamalai (905 sysogoudèu) and requested Maanickavaasagar to compose Thiruvembhaavai (505Gailburtoosu). It was the month of Margazhi (Lorrifasso) the month that is most auspicious. During this month the maidens rise early, go to
பக்கம்:சிவன் அருள் திரட்டு (தேவாரம் திருவாசகம் திருப்புகழ் திருஅருட்பா).pdf/265