உள்ளடக்கத்துக்குச் செல்

பக்கம்:சிவன் அருள் திரட்டு (தேவாரம் திருவாசகம் திருப்புகழ் திருஅருட்பா).pdf/361

விக்கிமூலம் இலிருந்து
இப்பக்கம் மெய்ப்பு பார்க்கப்படவில்லை

342 he began to meditate on Lord Kumara taking to penance in the northern tower of the Temple. As he went on meditating upon the six countenances, the twelve shoulders and the lotus like feet adorned with anklets, his evil deeds began to vanish and he became transformed into a virtuous man. Though he was practising penance for a long time, he could not have “DARSAN” of Lord Muruga. Hence he wanted to put an end to his mortal bodily life. With this end in view he ascended the tower and called the Lord by his names “KANTHA, KUMARA, MURUGA"" (& 5.5m', gunsrr, gp45am) but as his prayers were not heard, he jumped down from the top of the gopura. The Lord came to his rescue and holding him in his arms, made him perceive his form with Valli (sucroft) his consort. Then he initiated him with the words **SUMMA IRU SOL ARRA**(&lbldm ®® Q&mrò »p) (Dont talk, keep quiet). Accordingly Arunagiri began to be in the state of silence and spent his time in meditating upon Lord Kumara. One day the Lord gave his darsan, called him “Arunagirinatha’ and bade him to sing songs on Him. Arunagiri expressed his diffidence to sing on Him. The Lord gave him the clue “Muthu” (gp3 g) and with this he began his Thiruppugazh (605 usp) “Muththaith tharu” (op.3, soft & G). Thereafter, he continued to sing incessantly on Lord Muruga. The name and fame of Arunagirinaathar, spread far and wide. The Chieftain of that terrain was called Prabuta Dewan (1$rl Jl_ G &•vsör) who hearing of his erudition and grace bestowed by Lord Muruga, came to him, prostrated before him, heard his divine songs and felt extremely glad. The Chieftain longed to have the Darsan of Lord Muruga and represented his view to Arunagirinaathar. There was one Sambanthaandaan (4Elhlui; sirsiarl-rrsir) a follower of Sakthi (+3.3) and he was in the good books of