345 Once he chanced to meet a Vaishnavite poet called Villipuththur Alwar (estévsGLJAšgTif -ngbairrff) who used to rend the ears of those who were defeated in literary combat with him. The Alwar was unable to expound a stanza extemporised by Arunagirinaathar for that purpose and hence he was sully defeated. According to the contract, the Alwar’s ears had to be rended. But Arunagirinaathar, pitying him, asked him not to cut thereafter the ears of the defeated and Villipuththur Alwar threw away the ear cutter. After finishing the Pilgrimage, Arunagirinathar returned to Thiru Annamalai (GG-sysin G&v) and the chieftain welcomed him with all honours. The envious Sambanthaandaan wanted to give trouble to Arunagirinaathar by all means. Now he began to act as his well wisher and admirer. Hence he went to the chieftain and said. “O king! Arunagiri is indeed a gifted poet and a great man. The world should know him well. As he is gifed with the supernatural powers, he should be asked to go to the celestial world and fetch the flower called “Paarijaatha” (Lin so ஜாதம்). The chieftain in order to curb the haughtiness of Sam banthaandaan (fibušAstrort–rror) accepted this challenge and advised Arunagirinaathar to do so. The gifted poet placed his mortal body in a safe place in the northern tower, entered the body of a parrot and flew to the celestial world. Sambanthaandaan went to the king and told him that Arunagirinaathar was dead and that his corpse was sound in the temple tower. The chieftain had to believe him and ordered the corpse to be cremated. Arunagirinaathar returned with the flower ** Paarija a tha.” (Liris, or oth) in his parrot form, came to the tower, found out by intuition what had happened, went to the chieftain and dc livered the celestial flower. H The chieftain was astonished to find him. He fell flat before the divine Parrot and repented for what he had done.
பக்கம்:சிவன் அருள் திரட்டு (தேவாரம் திருவாசகம் திருப்புகழ் திருஅருட்பா).pdf/364