366 GLflu Glugðinn sir-name of Vishnu at Srirangam -purišićssf-residing at Srirangam உலகு அளவு-உலகத்தை அளந்தவர்-who scaled Lorreu-estaigas) –Vishnu மருகன்-மருமகன்-nephew உபயகுலம்-தாய் தந்தை ஆகிய இருவர் குலம்-the houses of father and mother 5/miles-o-urfs;45sugaw-of high status soogl-Qasmug.-banner (of learning) & soprarafro-king of Poets சிங்க-சிங்கம் போன்றவனே-lion like புகலியூர்-சீர்காழி-Seerkaazhi ture oat-consort of Sundarar up&rls go-sout-Gé@-to the house து.ாது-துரதன்-enwoy பரமன்-கடவுள்-God குமரேசன்-முருகன்-Murugan usos orif-inimical giants Q&&W-army -oudurrr-G35suff—celestials &so splber—to set free from prison Bless me with flourishing life Conceived in the womb, taking form and being born. growing year by year. I learnt all arts and sciences; (Enamoured of ) the black tresses of damsels. I got impressed on my chest their foot prints. My responsibilities increased; I suffered and pined away. I never chanted “Hara Hara” and “Sivaaya”. I never learnt the fundamental tenets of the six religious systems; I stood always at the door way of those who offer food as alms. Shall I still remain so shameless and be destroyed 7 Periaperumal resting on the hooded snake at Sri rangam
பக்கம்:சிவன் அருள் திரட்டு (தேவாரம் திருவாசகம் திருப்புகழ் திருஅருட்பா).pdf/385