உள்ளடக்கத்துக்குச் செல்

பக்கம்:சிவன் அருள் திரட்டு (தேவாரம் திருவாசகம் திருப்புகழ் திருஅருட்பா).pdf/443

விக்கிமூலம் இலிருந்து
இப்பக்கம் மெய்ப்பு பார்க்கப்படவில்லை

424 His poems were classified into six books by Mr. Velayudam, his academic disciple. Only the first five books were allowed to be published in 1867, when he established the Guardian Home. In 1872, he began the Jothi Festival in the Hall of Wisdom. Here, it is revealed, every year, that seven kinds of screens hide Grace Grand Light within us by unveiling the seven Screens, one by one, before a lamp within the hall as Grace Grand Light. If one lives the life, with due reverence for life, the seven screens disappear, one by one, leading to infinite. As a result of this, one gets everlasting life through the right of integration by means of passionate service to all souls"Aanmaneya Orumaippaattu Urimai". Life sleeps in stones: stirs in plants; dreams in animals; wakes in men; and serves in super men. Only the man who serves finds the right way to life infinite. The MalthusDarwin dogmas of struggle for existence and survival of the so-called fittest are now being replaced by Lamark-wallace theory of mutual adjustment and survival through, for and by the loving service. This is precisely what Vallalaar styles as the right of integration through, for and by the loving service to lives. The statement in the beginning corresponds to the five powers of objects, acts, poise, wisdom and grace in Vallalaar's natural meditation called Sakasanishtai as well as to his 25 experiences in 5 groups of the ignorant lives, learned seekers, leaders, pure-bodied sages, Om-bodied saints and wisdom bodied seers. For some time, the festival was continued according to the rules chalked out by him. Then, it began to deviate from his rules. He closed the Hall and kept the key in Sithivalaakam (8.5&austrarsih) meaning the Mansion of achievement at Mettukuppam. The reason why our seer closed the hall is as follows with sufficient details 5–