425 The Hall is distinct from all sectarian temples. No Incense or camphor is to be burnt in the hall. No distribution of prasadam of any kind is found here. Even musical instruments are not used here. Gentle and molemn chanting of Arut Perum Jothi meaning Grace Grand Light or effulgence and a few well-selected verses is all we find here. Our seer had started two schools-preparing and training devotees and propagandists, both young and old with Tamil, Sanskrit and English as mediums at first. The trainees were to get stipends according to their mcrit in training and their respective families. Here is a unique link of ability with need — socialism with communism of higher order, a happy marriage of mundane and divine uspects of life. The trainees were to get the traits of sweet speech and passionate service to all souls. The lotus-like building of the Hall of Wisdom represents our gross body of food and breath. The twelve-pillared chamber within the Hall represents the subtle light body of emotion and intellect. The four-pillared chamber within the above 12-pillared chamber represents the bliss body. There is an underground chamber below this bliss chambcr for natural meditation, Sakasa Nishtai. In the four-pillared chamber are a lamp of all pervading light, a mirror representing the transparent white tissuc, and seven curtains of black, blue, green, red, yellow, white and mixed colours distinct from the rainbow we sce. The soft tendrill-like undulations of the tissue a rc engincered at the link of the eyebrows and the root of thc nose in the centre of the face by airy light from thc highcroregion. Herc are the links between the six cnds of art, yearning, learning, subtle, sound, scripture and dccision when the divine Juncc is expericnced by the well-train cq devotccs.
பக்கம்:சிவன் அருள் திரட்டு (தேவாரம் திருவாசகம் திருப்புகழ் திருஅருட்பா).pdf/444