23 Sivapada Hirudayar, the Saint's father, needed money to perform a Vedic sacrifice at Sirkazhi. Sambandar prayed and sang the padigam 'Idarinum Thallarinum (g)l-figuib samflgulb). A divine messenger brought and placed on the altar a thousand pieces of gold which he gave to his father. The father returned home and the son went onward to many places including Dharmapuram (305.3565uoustib), the home of Yazhapanar's mother. The people glorified Yazhpanar for his proficiency in music. When he found that he could not reproduce on the Yazh (ump) the melody of the Saint’s padigam “Maathar Madapidiyum' (lost off tol—eal?iquilb) he felt humiliated and tried to break the instrument in despair. But Sambandar prevented him from doing so and asked him to be content with what he had achieved. Many more miracles followed. At ThiruMarugal(50510(5&6) pitying a young snake-bitten merchant, he sang the padigam ‘Sadaiyaay Enumaal' (&sou umu, arsollomo) and brought him back to life. Appar and Sambandar were moved by the severe famine and the sussering of the people at Thiruveezhimizhalai (திருவிழிமிழலை). They offered prayers to thc Lord who commanded them to go to the temple everyday and find enough money to distribute to the famine stricken people. By singing the padigam ‘Vaaitheerave' (surrà 3rgan) Sambandar was able to exchange his coins for pure gold, before he could obtain the provisions. This miracle went on till the rains came and there was plenty in the land again. The main doors of the Siva temple at “Thiru Maraikkadu (505udospá&m G) remained closed for a long time. Sambandar requested Appar to sing a padigam to make the doors open. When Appar sang a hymn appealing to God's Mercy the doors flew open and all the devotees cheered the act of the Saint. They entered the temple through its main entrance and had direct vision of the Lord. Sambandar sang the padigam
பக்கம்:சிவன் அருள் திரட்டு (தேவாரம் திருவாசகம் திருப்புகழ் திருஅருட்பா).pdf/47