464 Lurrrfiř– look thou §Gjágosi splbusulb-sacred hall of wisdom eô£&-seed son Lolig-establishing s?&mdy-produce, result பலபலவேறு-varied 8935–wisdom பாடல்-werse Loso D-scriptures Gатц-crore *G56hurräth-gracious feet உருவம்-form Q&nto Luth-real nature G&L-to search Q/5 sol-path Lég-devotion GertĀ) #gl-flourishing Glouủuuskrluff-faithful de votees 535.53–luscious @GjūL15-seated with ecstasy Light within the Light of Light! Pure Light; Siva Light; Inner Light(These are called) Light within the Light of Light. SIVAM alone is the entity—so know Thee; He made me ascend the peak that lifts to SIVA space and made me Siva Himself. Look thou! He is the sacred Dancing Light at the sacred Hall of Wisdom; All seeds are but one-so establishing, But the produce or results are varied, The wisdom gave all these—so demonstrating or proving, Look thou! The Light dances at the sacred Hall of Wisdom! The scriptures with crores of verses, sing in praise of gracious Feet, their form (or hue) and real nature and are in search of them; Look thou! The Light that dances at the sacred Hall of Wisdom. Flourishing in the path of devotion, In the town sung with love by the true devotees perfect, (It is) Iuscious; Look thou! The Light that dances at the sacred Hall of Wisdom!
பக்கம்:சிவன் அருள் திரட்டு (தேவாரம் திருவாசகம் திருப்புகழ் திருஅருட்பா).pdf/483