இப்பக்கம் மெய்ப்பு பார்க்கப்படவில்லை
28 Saint took the bride and everyone assembled there into the Siva Temple. He sang the padigam “Kallurp Perumanam." (név systřil GLGlossarib) praying for liberation Then Sambandar sang the padigam “Kaathalaagik Kasinthu* (asmrAssvmr®& *®így) known as the Panchaaksharap Padigam, the redeeming sacred manthra, the true meaning of the four vedas. The effulgence lit the Shrine. Then all those who were present there merged with the Light of Siva, leaving a mystic void vibrating with the unique Manthra NA-MA-SI WAA-Y.A.