ΤΗΑΥUΜΑΝΑΜΑΡ! "I know not anything other than Wishing the happiness of all " Simple but inspiring words full of meaning such as the above were sung by Thayumanavar Adigal who lived in the 18th century. Thayumanavar is believed to have been born to Kediliyappa Pillai and Kesavalli Ammal who belonged to Vedaranyam (Thirumaraikadu) in Thanjavur District of Tamil Nadu. Kediliyappar worked in the court of Vijayaranga Chockanātha Nayakar in Thiruchirapalli. It is no wonder that Kediliyappa Pillai gave his son the name of the God Thayumānavar at Malaikottai temple, Thiruchirapalli. Thayumānavar had his early education from Chittampala Desikar at Thiruchirapalli. He worshipped at the temples Malaikottai Siva and Thiruvanaikka Akilândanayaki from his very young age. Monaguru, who lived at Malaikottai, was his religious teacher. Thayumanavar got married to a girl called Mattuvarkuzhail and lived happily for some years. They had a son by name Kanagasabapathy. Within a few years of the son's birth, the mother passed away and the duty of bringing up Kanagasabapathy was taken over by Thayumanavar's brother, Sivasithamparam. Kediliyappar also died soon after and Thayumānavar had to perform the duties assigned to him. It so happened that the King also died within a short time. Since the King had no children, the queen Meenakshi took up the reign of the kingdom. Thayumanavar was a governor in the kingdom but his mind was bent on philosophic thoughts. He lost interest in worldly life. The queen, who knew the mind of Thayumanavar, agreed to relieve him of his official duties. Thayumānavar was now free to go on pilgrimage to many shrines in Tamil Nadu. He returned to Ramanathapuram and spent his last year in penance. He died in 1783. His body lies buried in Lakshmipuram in Ramnad District. A temple had been built there in his memory. 155
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