6. சான்றெண் விளக்கம் மதுரைக் காஞ்சி, வரிகள் 508.509 τ. இராகவையங்கார், கோசர்1951, பக்-15 K.A. Nilakanta Sastri Age of the Nandas and Mouri yas, Motilal Banaridas Publications, 1951. “That Kosar of the Victorious banner, started operations against their foes and gained Victories against several; but as Mohur did not submit to them, the Mouriyas, who had a large Army, led an expedition.” “At least on one occasion, the Mauryas went to the assistance of the Kosar. to enable them to subdus the rebellious Chieftain of Mohur; The vadugar took a hand in this expedition.“ - ஆக்ஸ்போர்டு பல்கலைக் கழக வெளியீடு, 1955, A History of South India – From Pre-Historic times to the fall of Vijayanagar" – P-85 Gulag - In Sangam Literature. the bulk of which belongs, as we shaft see, to thepost-Mauryan epoch, the Kosar are friends with the Chief of Mohur; But that might very well have been the direct result of earlier occurances"-P-86 - uá.457. . . . . . - காவிரி-கட்டுரைத் தொகுதி, 1990 பக்-159 வரிகள் 771-774, I6 :
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