இப்பக்கம் மெய்ப்பு பார்க்கப்படவில்லை
THE BANK OF MEENACHIL Ltd. {incorporated in Travancore with #imited fiability) Head C#ice: DALA; Central Office: TRAVANDRüM, FIXED DEPOSITES For 6 to 24 months received on most favourable rates. 。器。 CASH CER: IFICATES Three-year Cash Certificates a speciality, Uniqué Banking facilities to Businessmen anö intere sted Public. BRANCHES; Belgaum Cantt, , Belgaum City, Bombay, Colombo, Erattupetta, Hubli, Kandy, Kundara, Kuravilmugaud, Mangalore, Ña.gercoil. , Palai, Patna, Quilon, Trivandrum and Walliyoor. (E. G. Tsafiew, Managing Director,