ĝžsærůų –XII இலக்கியத் திறய்ைவு-ஆங்கில நூல்கள் (I) - £ITERARY CRITIC:SM-GENERAL-(A) Abercrombie, Lascelles. An Essay Towards a Theory of Art. - Abercrombie, Lascelles.: Principles of Literary Criticism. . . . . . . . . . Aldridge, A. W. Comparative Literature. Arnold, Mathew.: Essays in Criticism. Bacon, W.A. & Breen R. S.: Literature as experience. Barnet, S..........etc.: Introductions to Literature. Bennet, A.; H.iterary Taste. Betheli, S.L. : Essays on literary criticism and the English tradition. м Bhate, M. G.: Literature and fiterary criticism. Boas R. P.: The Study and appreciation of literature. Brown, C.A.: The achievements of American criticism, ~Ed. . . Buck, G. : Social criticism of Literature. Cazamian, L Criticism in the making. Cecil, D.; Fine art of reading and other literary studies.
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