179 inquiry he was told that two boys, both of them being five years old, went together to bathe in a lake nearby. One was swallowed by a crocodile and the family of that boy was immersed in sorrow. The other boy escaped and the elders had arranged for him the traditional ceremony and there was much rejoicing. Sundarar wanted to console the bereaved family. He was prompted by the Lord to bring the dead boy back to life. They went to the lake where the Saint sang a padigam to the Lord *Yetraan Marrakken” (srbɑysir lo spá:Gassör) praying to the Lord to restore the boy to the parents. The miracle happened. The crocodile gave the boy back. The parents worshipped the Saint’s feet. The news of the miracle spread far and wide. Sundarar was now eighteen years old. He was tired of worldly existence and so requested the Lord to take him back to Kailas. He sang the Padigam “Thalaikkuth Thalaimaalay** (3&svšG3 45&vlomão). The Lord desiring to take Sundarar back to His abode commanded the heavenly messengers to bring him to Kailas on a white elephant. Sundarar climbed on the elephant and singing the “Thiruncaiththan Malai.” (50.5G/5miq-âârror lo&v) “Thaanenai Mun Padaiththaan” (gr@aw&sur gp6ör Lisol–# Asmsār) Padhigam departed for Kailas not in the physical body but in his spiritual body. Sundarar was Siva's comrade, but Siva was always his Master. He was an eternal slave of the Master. He referred every happening of his life to Siva and invoked His aid when human strengh was of no avail. God stood by his side for he stood at the feet of God.
பக்கம்:சிவன் அருள் திரட்டு (தேவாரம் திருவாசகம் திருப்புகழ் திருஅருட்பா).pdf/200