453 செல்வத்தையும், சிறந்த முக்தியையும் அளிக்கிற திருவடி : பொன்னின் நிறம் பொருந்திய மேன்மையான திருவடி solo.uum &th-dancing feet Lumiq-ul-sung Läärr —devotees >h—delicious Lors surf-ascetics pm &m figh-end of sound ДБтшғБшһ—suргеппе Étř#@sir p-destroy Q45 fish#65th–vision sus 5arlosorb—deceitful mind GA5eufřssir—cėlestials Qādirogpg|-refined Ambrosia eypsarrr—Trinity-Brahma Vishnu & Rudra solilimei-beyond *Geir-Grace -Psubsold—mother Quirójeir–Wealth புணர்த்தி ய-bestow Listorsosuurräth-sacred feet The Dancing Feet; Logărgy-hall Golgiu-searched L350&ur-worship [5rriqiu-seek G5lq-uu–delicious son G–place sucija 3a r—mighty acts தெய்வங்கள்-gods surrorm supra-rare visitor arā'urrà-does not reside SBsöSéGb-to meditatc SASS Gb-sweeten z-errib-heart (optitump-the three entities god, soul and the world (p&m 5.5-sprouted பெரும்-great otiusár—father GLCŞıhGurrasih-supreme bliss பொன்வண்ணம்-golden The Dancing Feet at the Hall; The Dancing Feet which stood at the Hall and danced; The Vedas that were sung are in search of the Fcct: For the devotees who worship, delicious the Fect are: The agreeable Feet that the ascetics seek; At the place of Nadhantha, supremc Fect thcy arc; The Feet that destroy the irresistable mighty acts; The Feet that are visioned by Gods all: Coming as rare visitor the golden Fcct are; In the deceitful mind the Feet residc not; The Feet meditated by celestials all; The Feet that sweetens the heart as refincu Ambrosia:
பக்கம்:சிவன் அருள் திரட்டு (தேவாரம் திருவாசகம் திருப்புகழ் திருஅருட்பா).pdf/474