25 Sambandar went to the temple and invoked Divine Grace to grant victory to his faith. He obliged the Queen and the Minister by visiting the palace. The King received him with all the honour. The Jains challenged Sambandar for a discussion. It was decided that the King be cured first. The Jains were to cure the disease on the left side, leaving the right to be dealt with by Sambandar. The Jains slided the left side of the King's body with peacock feahers and sprinkled mantra-water on him. The burning fever increased. Sambandar applied the Holy Ashes on the right side of the body singing his famous padigam “Mandiram Aavadhu Neerru' (loß@grih zgsusi Egy), praising the glorious power of the Holy Ashes. “Holy Ashes of the Siva of Alavoi is a powerful mantram. It shines on the face of celestials. It adds beauty and is extolled by every devotee. It is the truth. It affords strength, stamina and success in spiritual endeavours. It enhances virtue and protects one against vice.” The song and the application of holy ashes healed the right side, while the left side continued to have the burning sensation, the pain becoming unbearable. The King requested Sambandar to cure the left side too. The Saint applied the ashes on the left side uttering the name of the Lord and to the surprise of all, the King recovered completely. The King and the Queen bowed at the feet of Sambandar. Then followed two more tests for Sambandar. In each case, it was the Jains who stipulated the conditions. Firstly, there was the test of scriptures against fire. The flames were lit. The Jains threw into the flames a palm leaf containing their doctrines. It was reduced to ashes. Sambandar chose a leaf containig the song 'Bhogamaarththa Punmulai' (Gurras Lorrfi ż z kysisrop&u) and sang the padigam“Thallir illavallar olli' (தளிர் glam sunrir spars) and placed the palm leaf in the fанmes, It was not burnt. Saivism won.
பக்கம்:சிவன் அருள் திரட்டு (தேவாரம் திருவாசகம் திருப்புகழ் திருஅருட்பா).pdf/49