narration by Sri. S. K. Devanarayanan, who is welknown to us by his Bharathiar Kathakalachabam on discs sponsored by Saiva Sidhhantha Sangam of South Africa. It is our duty to nurture this culture and pass it on to our younger generation. As this is our sixtieth year Wedding Anniversary, it is the desire of my dear wife and the members of my beloved family, to gift the following books to promote and preserve our culture and at the same time assist the organisations for their fund-raising projects: 1. Kavadi Songs and cassette 2. Periya Arichuvadi 3. Deivappanmalai 4. Our savants 5. Thirukkural 6. Siva Vazhi Paadu. Quote from "NURTURING TAMIL CULTURE" By Dr. S. Muthu Kumaran, Ex-Vice-Chancellor, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli (Fifth International Conference on Tamil Culture - Sydney, Australia, 1992) "May God give us the strength and the wisdom to do our duty, nurture our culture for our younger generation to enjoy the fruits of high thingking,"lofty ideals' and 'good living". GOD BLESS / N. C. NAIDOO
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