find power pression in some forms of art. The aborigines and primitives give life to such arts in their seclusive abodes.
Folk-arts are milder and more refined than the wild and rough types of primitive arts. But an enquiring mind would find the embryo of every art in the emotional reactions and artistic styles of the primitives. The growth of mind and the changing conditions of life have brought forth modulations and refineness in art forms and in their mode of presentation. The source remains the same in most cases. Man fears the natural calamities like wild fire, thunder, valcano, whirl wind, epidemics etc. In his unconscious desire, he tries to satisfy them through certain magico-rituals and to purify himself from his own sins by ablution.
Man invites troubles in mind by his hallucination of evil spirits and in order to propitiate them he conducts various ceremonies which are celebrated with magical rites. In such functions man resorts to different kinds of arts in his anxiety to escape from difficulties and troubles. Naturally in such situations his emotional reactions would not be normal and ordinary. The prevailing condition of the situations saturated with frightful thoughts and anxious insights would give way to arts with dreadful reactions. Such harsh treatments in the primitive arts are made mild in folk arts. Man earns more knowledge in passing time and makes his arts polished and pleasant. But the aims of the primitive arts remain int act with most of the folk arts. The educated and the civilized people want more developments and so ordain rules and regulations for art becomes classical and urbanized:
The rural population patronized folk arts in which it finds real life and vigour. The whole world allows them to live long in villages to make the people live long in happiness. Tamilnadu is a repertory of folk arts. Every village is a nursery of such arts but different temples grow