உள்ளடக்கத்துக்குச் செல்

பக்கம்:தமிழியல் கட்டுரைகள்.pdf/94

விக்கிமூலம் இலிருந்து
இப்பக்கம் மெய்ப்பு பார்க்கப்படவில்லை

87 (4) In the epic Manimékalai called after its heroine, the girl-friend Sutamathi narrates her miserable life to the prince of the Chola country.(a part of Tamilnadu) and on that occasion says that her aged Brahmin father (who was searching for her since she had left her home due to her unfortunate love-affair with an untrust-worthy Māruthavékan) came along with those who spoke the Vatamoli” (the people of Northern language — Sanskrit?) who were returning from their sacred bath in the confluence of Kävéri in the ocean (Bay of Bengal) found her at Puhār and shed all his tears on her. As in Silappatikāram, the noteworthy aspect of the reference to Vajamoji clearly refers here to the language of the Brahmins and that too of those of the north. (5) In Manimékalai itself, there is a reference to a fallen Brahmin Woman of Vāranāsi, returning from Kanyākumari as Watamoliyāl.” The importance of the reference again is that Sanskrit (?) was the language of Brahmin-woman of the ancient Vāranāsi (Benares). Thus, we can note in all these references found in ancient Tamil literature instead of the term 'Sanskrit,' only the very general word “Vatamoli' has been used by the ancient Tamils and also the term Vatamoli was related to the Brahmins, which has been rightly recorded by Dr. N. Subramaniam, in his Pre-Pallavan Tamil Index that “Brahmins were exclusively associated with Sanskrit”.42 ABBREVIATIONS 1. Akanāņūrū - Akam; 2. Cirupāņārruppațai - cirupāņ; 3. Iňkuruniiri - Ink; 4. Kalittokai - Kali; 5. Kambarâmayanam - Kambar; 6. Malaipațukațām - Malai; 7. Maņimēkalai - Maņi; 8. Mullaipättu - Mullai; 9. Netunalvātai - Netu; 10. Paripãtal - Pari; 11. Pațțiņappālai - pațțiņam; 12. Pattupāţțu - Pattu; 13. Puranânürū - Puram; 14. Silappatikāram - Silambu; 15. Tolkappiam - Tol. - NOTES 1. ‘Outside of Sanskrit literature (and the literatures in modern Indian languages both Aryan and Dravidian which have accepted Sanskrit literature as their model and inspiration) the