உள்ளடக்கத்துக்குச் செல்

பக்கம்:நீத்தார் வழிபாடு (ஆங்கில மொழிபெயர்ப்புடன்).pdf/8

விக்கிமூலம் இலிருந்து
இப்பக்கம் மெய்ப்பு பார்க்கப்படவில்லை


Worship for the emancipation of the departed soul

Death and Birth is likened to night and day or sleeping and awakening.

உறங்குவது போலும் சாக்காடு

urranguvadhu polum saakkaadu

உறங்கி விழிப்பது போலும் பிறப்பு

urranggi vizhippadhu polum pirrappu

—This is the couplet of Thiruvalluvar (Chapter 3.4-9).

The death is just like sleeping and birth is just like waking up after sleep.

We fear death; for we don’t want to leave the world; we don’t want to leave our wife and children; we don’t want to quit our kith and kin; and above all we don’t want to leave the riches we have earned.

On the other hand even those who have renounced the world viz-the Saints, Sages, Seers and devotees also do not welcome death; for they fear death on two grounds :

(i) Death once again leads to birth; what kind of birth one takes cannot be perceived!

(ii) Even if one takes birth as a human being, it may not be certain, that he may be in the same religious atmosphere.

Hence the ignorant and the elite have to fear death.

Any how death is inevitable. Every soul doesg ood and evil deeds and according to those deeds that soul is destined to take birth. Worship of the Lord may pacify the effects of the evil deeds to a certain extent. So prayer has become necessary to each soul for its own good.

In this world of competition and confusion people do not seem to spare even a few minutes to think of God and pray to Him for their emancipation. There are none who have not sinned. But the Lord is gracious. Think of Him; Praise Him; Worship Him; He is ready to bestow grace upon every soul and

eradicate the sins.