PREFACE. This drama was begun by me in the year 1928; it has taken me nearly 5 years to complete. My object being to find a solution which would remove, though slowly, the existing clash of feelings between the Brahmins and Non-Brahmins especially in Southern India, I had to weigh each sentence carefully before putting it in writing. It is well known, at least to my friends, that I do not belong to any party. I have attacked in this drama certain habits, and customs prevalant among these two rival parties. I wish it to be clearly understood that though I have used as the names of dramatic Personae names in common use in the Tamil Land, these names have absolutely no reference to any living or dead personalities. If this humble literary effort on my part would bring both the parties together a little, and make them forget their present differences and unite them in serving our Motherland, I would feel amply rewarded, for a my little trouble, I have taken in writing this I would like to state that all societies, professional and amateur that desire to stage this or any other drama by me, must take my previous permission by paying to me my usual royalty, and then only stage the same ; otherwise they make themselves liable to be prosecuted for breach of copy right. I invite all my readers to whichever party they belong, to favour me with their candid criticism of this my solution of the problem. Pammal Lodge, : 27th June 1933. P. SAMBANDAM.
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