177 At Thiruvaarur, Vasantha Utsavam (eu&f ji, 5 d-4}+6ulb) was being celebrated on a grand scale. Sundarar remembered the festival and longed to go there. He also remembered that Paravaiyaar would dance and sing there before the Lord. At the same time he could not part from Sangiliyaar. For a time he struggled between the two conflicting desires. Finally he decided to go. When he crossed the border of Thiruvottriyur($(5Geurrð só gif) he became totally blind. Undaunted, he walked on receiving directions from passers by. At Thiruvennpakkam (Écoleusiarumãsib) the Lord gave him a walking stick. He realised his fault and prayed to the Lord for his forgiveness and asked for the restoration of his sight. He sang and struggled on his way from temple to temple singing pathetic hymns. At Kanchipuram (sm (35%lyprub) he worshipped mother Kamatchi and expressed his suffering to her. He then worshipped the Lord Ekambareswarer (grasn'thu(30-60 susri). Lord Siva at once restored the vision to Sundarar’s left eye. He sang at Thirukkachi Ekambam (&G444g gsibulb) “Aalandhaan Ugandhu” (-Plavih grr gör s-a sögu) Padigam and thanked the Lord for having restored his sight in one eye. At last, he reached Thiruvaarur. He went to the temple and prayed for the restoration of sight to his other eye. He sang the padigam, “Meelaa Adimai” (LBorn &jug-gold) telling Lord he was his bond slave. He had no other desire besides His grace. His heart was filled with grief and mercy. The Lord out of compassion opened the other eye and Sundarar sang songs of gratitude. The next hard task was to appease Paravaiyar. She thought that Sundarar had betrayed her by marrying another lady. She refused to receive him. What man cannot do. God must achieve. Sundarar implored the Lord to undertake the mission of appeasement. Siva went to Paravaiyaar in the guisc of a priest and pleaded with her on behalf of Sundarar. She would not listen, Siva had to show His
பக்கம்:சிவன் அருள் திரட்டு (தேவாரம் திருவாசகம் திருப்புகழ் திருஅருட்பா).pdf/198