246 the sacred tank in groups for bathing, worship the Lord in the temple and sing his praises in chrous, the song, “Aadhiyum andhamum” (-oi guith a 5.50pub). After visiting Thirukkachchi yākambam (905&aio Gustbulb) he came to Thirukkazhuk kundram (GG&sopšgsà púb) and sang the padigam “Pinnakkilaadha” (1?eowróćléüövrr.s). As soon as he reached Chidambaram, he entered the temple. In the presence of the Dancing Lord he sang several hymns in praise of the Lord. Some of the padigams were
- Putril Vaal Aravum Anjën" (LJipld sum sir stralib (5G&sir)
“Innai Aar adi” (@&ar -24íř zyış) and “Kanngas Iranndum” (கண்கள் இரண்டும்). One day the king of Ceylon with his daughter who was dumb, yisited Chidambaram. The Buddhist Guru and some of his priests also accompanied the King. They had come here to meet exponents of Saivism and defeat them in debate. The Lord appeared in a dream to the Saivite devotees and asked them to request Maanickavaasagar, who lived in the outskirts, to agree to a debate with the Buddhist Priests. Maanickavaasagar agreed and the debate took place in the temple where the Chola King was also present. The Buddhists expounded their doctrines, and Maanickavaasagar dwelt on the greatness of Siva. Having been defeated the Buddhists began to abuse Siva. The Saint prayed to the Lord. The Buddhists were struck dumb. The King of Ceylon rightly seized this opportunity and requested the Saint to make his dumb daughter speak. Maanickavaasagar acceded to this and prayed to the Lord that the girl gives proper answers to questions raised earlier by the Buddhists on Lord Siva. The dumb daughter was now not only able te speak but also sing and correctly answer the questions put to her. They were wonder-struck at this miracle. The Padigam “Pusm wadhum” (kosugib) was sung.