343 that ruling Chieftain. Sambanthaandaan came to know about the respect shown to Arunagirinaathar by the Chieftain. He disliked this and wanted to separate them. Hence he approached the Chieftain and told him, “O king! I will make my God to appear before you by my Bhakthi (Lā5devotion). In the same way Arunagirinaathar should make his God to give Darsan. Then alone he may be accepted as a Bhaktha (Devotee) having none to equal him.” At first the Chieftain was reluctant to this challenge. But as Sambanthaandaan persisted, he expressed this to Arunagirinaathar who accepted the challenge with humility. The assemblage was called for. Sambanthaandaan came, performed puja in pomp and grandeur and evoked his goddess to appear, in vain. Arunagirinaathar’s turn came. He worshipped Lord Kumara with intense devotion and Lord Kumara gave his Darsan riding a peacock, and vanished from sight. All were amazed. Sambanthaandaan was defeated. Arunagirinaathar desired to go on pilgrimage, visit all the shrines of Muruga and worship the Lord by his songs. He made extensive tour throughout India from Cape Comorin to the Himalayas. He went to Ceylon, worshipped the shrines at Kathirkaamam (*8)ifs/ruoub), Thirukkonamalai (®oejáGair•nw loäu) and Jaffna (umpulursarib) and sang the Thiruppugazh. At Chidambaram, he worshipped the dance of Lord Nataraja and at Thiruchendur (ÉgéQ&#&rif) the dance of Lord Muruga. At Swamimalai (; custlâlid&v) he was initiated with the ** PRANAVA” (Logresursu) mantra. At Viralimalai (oriroup&o) he was blessed with Ashtamasiddhi (→opl longoš) (the eight super natural powers).
பக்கம்:சிவன் அருள் திரட்டு (தேவாரம் திருவாசகம் திருப்புகழ் திருஅருட்பா).pdf/362