355 அவுணர்-அசுரர்-giants Qall-to-slaughter Lač, Go-G-sacrifice -- குலகிரி-வலிமையானமலைத்தொடர் —chief mountain range G# zlúLul–-pierced Qurra ouau-capable of fighting with Protect and confer grace You are the Lord of Deivayaanai of pearl like teeth; You are valiant; You were brought up in the Saravanna tank; You are the seed of Salvation; You are the Supreme Spiritual Preceptor: So praise Him. # To the three eyed Lord, Siva, You taught the meaning of “om", the mystic word that is chanted at the beginning of the recital of the Vedas; the twain—Brahma and Vishnu, the thirty three demi-gods and their clan the celestials worship Your feet. He aimed the arrows to fell or cut the ten heads of Raavanna—He churned (the ocean) using Mt. Mantharam as churning staff–He made the broad day light dark by the circular discus–He drove the chariot of Arjuna, His devotee. He is like green hued cloud—He is Tirumaal (Vishnu) and He praises You! Please do protect me and confer grace on me on a day ! The anklets in the dancing feet sound “thith thith theya” Bhairavi moving her dancing feet, dances in all directions: the eagles and devils also dance; in all the eight directions the eight Bhairavas repeat “thokkuth thogu thokkuth thogu thogu” to the tune of the beautiful circular dance called “pavuri”. Several drums are sounded; in the battle sic! (!, the aged eagle sound “kukkuk kugu kukkuk kugu kugu” and surther utter sounds (so as to mean) “stab and bury”, “cnter and catch’” and rise up whirling. Oh Lord! You slaught cred the inimical giants (asuras) and sacrificed them. You are capable of fighting them causing the chief mountain range being pierccd.
பக்கம்:சிவன் அருள் திரட்டு (தேவாரம் திருவாசகம் திருப்புகழ் திருஅருட்பா).pdf/374