427 This is styled by him as Eka Sirsitthi (graśā) meaning unique achievement wise In his sacred Grace Grand Light Ode (5056,105L. QL G535 Corrst) +ja susu) he states as follows: ஏக சிற்சித்தியே! இயல் உற அனேகம் ஆகியது என்ற என் அருட்பெரும் ஜோதி Oh! Grace Grand light effulgence; Who has stated that the unique wise achievement is to be naturalised by all other miracles and achievements. VALLALAAR*S TEN COMMANDMENTS 1. God is only one. 2. He is to be worshipped in the Form of Light. 3. Petty Gods are not to be worshipped in any way. 4. There should not be any sacrifice of life in the name of God. Meat is not to be eaten. 5. 6. Differences of castes, creeds, sects, religions and the like should not be observed. 7. Each life is to be regarded as one’s own life on the basis of Unsversal Brotherhood that extends to animals and plants; that is merciful behaviour. 8. The key to the life eternal is to remove the hung cr of the poor. 9. The dead are to be buried and not cremated. 10. Give up all superstitious beliefs and practices. ARUTPERUM JOTHI! ARUT PERUM JOTHI! THANIPERUM KARUNAII ARUTPERUM JOTI III The day is not far off when the twin mathcmatics of Vallalaar called ANTA KANITAM meaning macro mathematics and PINTA KANITAM meaning micro mathematics will be taught throughout the world to learn cvery thing. This is exactly the reason why Vallalaar dcclares “My knowledge was too little when I was a scc tarian; but now it
பக்கம்:சிவன் அருள் திரட்டு (தேவாரம் திருவாசகம் திருப்புகழ் திருஅருட்பா).pdf/446