உள்ளடக்கத்துக்குச் செல்

பக்கம்:தென்மொழி வரலாறு.djvu/2

விக்கிமூலம் இலிருந்து
இப்பக்கம் மெய்ப்பு பார்க்கப்படவில்லை

ancient times, India linery of only> tiro languages- I'art - 1110171 and Te11- Tholli 1. 2. the Norther!n speech anil tile Sourthern Speecli. The first naanied! Tyas Sans- krit [vith its dependent vernaculars, and the second Tamil vitln its cognate dialects. \\'e maay fairly 1"egard! tlic Tamil Language as the highest and most finishi- ed example of that family of Indian tongues that have 10 connection with Sanskrit, excepting that vihich is pull'ely adventitious. The later history of Tamil literature and poetr - down to the present day shoIT's a general and gradua decline, till with the introduction of \Vester•11 through in this land, the literature has been sadly neglected. 1Vhhether the Tamil Language, which, while less clevelop - el for the purposes of prose-diction, equals, if it does not Suu1 pass the Greek language in the immense scope it affortuls for the highest flights of poetry, deserves Stich treatment in their lands, is a latter upon whicle the gehneral voice of mankind will have to give the ver' clict. \/hein the history of the natio11 comes to be \written, this attitude twil1 lessein their fan art pres- tige. The position of a people as a natio11 (lepends to a great extent on their language. \Vitil it they fall or rise, siink or swim, perishi or sturvive. The Tannilians for 111 no exception to this rutle. They live today because of thieir language, but metre living is not sufficient. They have to realise the fullness of life in all its beatity and richness by their sturdy aind! Cultivation of their national literature. But even in these days of decline and neglect, the Tamil language and literature have not been without their champions. The author of this volume