உள்ளடக்கத்துக்குச் செல்

பக்கம்:தென்மொழி வரலாறு.djvu/3

விக்கிமூலம் இலிருந்து
இப்பக்கம் மெய்ப்பு பார்க்கப்படவில்லை

belo1ngs to that noble and theroic band of TVorker's, who have strenuotisly Worlked for the cause of Tamil by printing old Tamil classics, SWriting out prose Ivorks, translating tiseful tworks fro1n1 foreign languages, editing Tamil journals, and above all, by their cleep seated devotion to the traditions of Tamilakam, the larnd of their ancient greatness and glory. The pre- sent work deals with the origin and history of the Tamil Language. It would be superfluouis to mention \vhat great resources of knowledge and intellect are required for such a task. No one, however, who reads this book \vi11 deny that the atttilor' has prov. ed himself equal to the task. The vast treasures of solid and valuable infor111ation irrhicly he has ac- Ctimulated within these pages and the scholarly 171anner in which he has handled this materials cannot but strike the inmost casual reader". This volurne is dedicated to E. B. Denham Esq: M. A, (0xon) C. C. S. by the publishier' in recogni- tion of this services to Tarnnilakam] by his securing the incluision of Tamil in the syllabus for the Cambridge and London examinations: and as a humble token of gratitude for the interest ivlhich he aliyays took in Stich worlds and for this kind appreciation of the author of this work. A. VeerasingamPillay. Navalar Kottain), Jaffna, 23rd April, 1920,